Nichols, who has conducted research and written extensively on the challenges unique to business-owning families, will discuss the ownership challenges of shared family wealth in her presentation “Understanding High Net Worth Clients.”
The forum will be launched this fall with a private event for client families in Chicago, Illinois.
A group called FORE – Family Office Real Estate – is to launch a platform through which family offices can invest together and directly in commercial real estate.
In addition to these duties, Mr. Fisher will serve as a Faculty Advisor for the Silver Bridge Institute, bringing educational content to families and family office professionals, and helping to support the expansion of the Silver Bridge Center for Family
The new fund will finance about half of the assets with loans, a ratio that will allow it to buy as much as 100 billion yen of properties, he said.
The Pearl Initiative is a private sector-led, not-for-profit initiative set up in cooperation with the United Nations Office of Partnership.
UBS AG’s Global Family Office division aims to begin serving 25 clients in Asia this year, with assets of at least $200 million each, Amy Lo, managing director and head of ultra-high net worth, Asia-Pacific, told journalists in Singapore today.
Family offices in Europe are increasingly focusing on investment opportunities in India, in a bid to take advantage of the country’s rapid economic growth.
Reporting directly to Founder and Chief Investment Officer Kevin Harris, Day is responsible for coordinating governance efforts for client families through heir preparedness, financial literacy education, family meeting facilitation, and constitution and
“Northern Trust is a premier asset manager and we are thrilled to have earned a place on their Multi-Manager Solutions platform,” said Brian Beitner
Cuisine Asia controls restaurant assets with revenue of about Rs 300 crore making it a leading player in a still emerging industry .
Ms. Schultz began her career at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, where she was a tax partner in the entertainment and media group.
SGSS was retained by BSI SIM for its recognised expertise and efficiency, in particular its ability to rationalise and optimise post-trading services related to custody and settlement, as well as for its flexibility in adapting its services to clients&rsq
One of the many regulatory changes brought about by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, this new “family office rule,” provides a broad exemption from SEC registration for many family offices.
Kovner is setting up Caxton Alternative Management to invest his personal wealth, which Forbes magazine recently estimated at $4.3 billion.
The survey, which was conducted in 2011, involved 40 single-family offices in the U.S. and Europe whose median asset size was $534 million.
The survey, which was conducted in 2011, involved 40 single-family offices in the U.S. and Europe whose median asset size was $534 million.
That’s according to a new study of 40 single family offices, with a median asset size of more than $500 million (€388 million), by asset advisers Cambridge Associates.
That’s according to a survey of 40 single family offices in the U.S. and Europe conducted in 2011 by Cambridge Associates, the global provider of independent investment advice and research to institutional and private investors.
In that partnership, Andreani will implement and develop quantitative models and find investors, and the family office will seed the new programs.